By giving of your time, talent or treasure, you join our mission to give voice to the under-served. Scroll down to volunteer, donate, or contact to learn more.

Make a Donation

Click to Give Online

Thank you. Your donation helps us share God’s radical love, grace and welcome to all people.

Text Your Donation
Text any amount to (206) 202-0057. One-time set-up required. Text “Reset” any time to change or remove your card information.

Shopping through Amazon’s charity website gives you the same full-featured Amazon experience, while donating a percentage of your purchases to your favorite charity. Use this link for all your Amazon shopping and they will donate directly to All Pilgrims.

Other Ways to Give

Join Us. Collections happen during Sunday service. We’d love to see you.
Mail. Mail checks to our office: ATTN: Office Manager 509 10th Avenue East Seattle WA 98102
Rememberance. Put All Pilgrims in your will. Contact the Church Office.
Annually. Annual commitments help us with budgeting. Download your 2019 pledge form.

Home Church

Home Churches are small group meetups, both online and in person. Anyone from any location can participate.

  • 10-12 people per group
  • Focus on common themes in small gatherings
  • Deepen your connection to God and others
  • Discover your service calling

Join or start a Home Church today. Simply email the office and get involved.

Community Lunch

Community Lunch is free to those in need.

  • Lunch is served Monday through Friday from 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm in front of All Pilgrims.


Contact to volunteer to cook, set up, serve, eat with folks, and/or clean. We serve approximately 150 guest each day. Volunteer times are flexible, and it's fun and easy to join.

"I was hungry and you gave me something to eat."
(MATTHEW 25:35)

Same Love Garden

The Same Love Garden in front of the church was started with money donated by Macklemore after filming his Same Love video in our church. With continued support from our congregation it is a thriving reflection of our neighborhood...a place of celebration for our growing community.

Gardeners welcome. Volunteer to keep the Same Love Garden thriving. email:

Hospitality Team

Hospitality teams bring warmth and welcome to Sunday services, and after service in Stuart Hall fellowship gatherings.

Serve on Sundays by greeting people, ushering and setting up the communion table. After service, you can help by bringing food, setting up and cleaning Stuart Hall for post-service socializing. It’s a great way to meet people and share God’s love and welcome.

Information is available in Stuart Hall following worship, or by emailing the Church Office.

National & Global Ministries

Join a larger cause through one of the ministries supported by our denominations: United Church of Christ (UCC) or Disciples of Christ (DOC).

Week of Compassion (DOC)
One Great Hour of Sharing (UCC). Relief, refugee, and development missions. Help others through disaster response, humanitarian aid, sustainable development, and missions around the world.

Southwest Good Samaritan Project (DOC) Serving refugees, immigrants, and the poor of the Texas-Mexico border since 1985. Serve by providing shelter, services, food, and spiritual support on both sides of the border.

Neighbors in Need (UCC) Ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States. This ministry supports the Council for American Indian Ministry, as well as a variety of justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects. (UCC, DOC) Together, UCC and DOC supports ministries in 47 countries, responding to existing needs and working toward self-sufficiency.

Download Your 2021 Thank You Letter.